
Air sports include a vast domain of aerial activities done as sporting events.

Athletics refers to sports events that test the athlete’s endurance, strength, and speed. It involves competitive running, walking, jumping, and throwing.

Ball sports are those games that use a ball in play. This includes various categories, including ball-over-net, ball-and-bat, and ball-and-stick games.

These types of sports are played with a specific board used as primary equipment. Examples of this type are surfing and skateboarding.

Combat sports are also called fighting sports. It is a competitive contact sport that involves one-on-one combat. It covers all martial arts and ancient fighting events, whether they use brute force or specific weapons.

Cycling, or cycle sports, includes all competitive physical activities that use bicycles. They can be carried out as a race or a performance that shows tricks through using bikes.

E-sports are electronic sports that are played on computers, smartphones or other electronic devices.


Gymnastics is the performance of systematic exercises that requires and shows balance, flexibility, coordination, strength, and overall physical conditioning. These are often done by using different apparatuses, such as rings, beams, and bars.

Ice sports, as its name suggests, include sporting events that are performed in an ice field. They are mostly held during winter sports competition.

These are those games that do not require an open field to be played. They can be carried out at home or in a specially structured indoor setting. Most table-top games are indoor ones. Some outdoor sports were developed to be played indoors, too. Examples of these are indoor cricket and indoor soccer.

A mind sport is a game based on a particular intellectual ability to strategize and win competitions. It does not need arduous physical exercise and movement of the body. Therefore, it requires more mental than physical skills.

This refers to the events that consist of components upholding different sports. It mixes a group of disciplines, usually athletics, that are performed consecutively. Examples of this type are the triathlon, tetrathlon, pentathlon, and so on.

This is the general term referring to the various competitive sporting events that utilize motorized vehicles for racing or non-racing competitions.

This is Climbing, skiing

Racket sports encompasses all games that involve hitting a ball or another object through the use of rackets. These types of sports showcase and improve the agility and speed of the players.

The focus of this type of sport is an athlete’s muscular strength and capability. A strength athlete trains and competes by showing his muscle build or power. Examples of these sports are weightlifting, powerlifting, and bodybuilding.

This refers to competitive games that involve throwing or shooting a piece of equipment to hit a target. It enhances focus and concentration and promotes patience.

Water sports covers all sporting events played or performed in water.